How We Light A Creative Fire
A fire doesn't just start on its own, it takes some energy to get it burning. Below outlines the four-step process we utilize in developing and implementing a brainstorm event.
1. What you don't want is a fire burning out of control
Starting with a strategic grounding session, we learn about you. You get us up to speed on the current state of your business, and we complete a strategic grounding summary to make sure we're all on the same page. When approved, our team develops the facilitation guide we'll use to manage the brainstorm. This initial step ensures we identify your session objectives while challenging day-to-day thinking.
2. The room will be hot with creative inspiration
There's more to a brainstorm then just a flip chart. The room and setting are just as important as the assembled brainstorm team. Ignite The Mind supplies creative stimulus such as tools, materials, magazines, music, photos and other inspirational gadgets that serve as creative lighters during the session. We can also work with you to locate an extraordinary location to make sure the team feels inspired.
3. Generating a spark of an idea
Through our facilitation techniques, participants will be actively engaged, jotting notes, scribbling ideas and documenting concepts. But that’s only the beginning. Some of the best ideas also come from sharing and engaging with the group. Through the brainstorm, we'll be generating a variety of creative fuses to inspire business decisions and future concept development.
4. We have ignition
After we capture every idea from the brainstorm, we organize, and supply you with, all the creative fuses for future inspiration. And through measurement and analysis of all the concepts with the team, there are certain ideas that just burn hot! We filter, further develop and prioritize the top ideas and create actionable concepts for you to implement - supplied in a report for you to share with key decision makers.